. she is the woman! born under a bright star fights dark winds brings golden to the golden ones (her future is as the sun) she is the woman! . she is the passion! causes strong winds to shake towers and sway the trees she is the movement of leaves ('run with swift deer' is her name) she is the passion! . she is the sharpened sword! stinging the unjust she is compassion joy and makes joyful (kneel!) she is the sharpened sword! . she is the summation of the earth! the blessing and the torment the waters and the dry land the valley and the mountain top (daughter of nations) she is the summation of earth! . so let us encourage her, when songbirds swell her ears, to look into a mirror and say, "i am the best, and the worst" "I am ALL", "the most magnificent woman in the valley" . (c) Erik Minas-Gilkes, 22 March 2019, 12:11pm