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Dec 2019
There are hidden lines
Between you and me
Energy lines
That bind us

Yet tangible
Our hearts
Are joined
By threads
Which reach through
An unimaginable dimension

My devil carries a sword
Which for some unknown reason
Slashes at our bonds
My angry tongue burns
Hissing complaints
That erode our heart ties

And we have to start again
Repair our ties
Time and again
And I slowly learn
That I need to stop my devil
Slashing and burning

Although I cant see the breaks
The scars
I feel them
And my day starts badly
I feel remorse, sadness
At the destruction I have wrought

There are ties that bind us all
Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters
Brothers, sisters, friends, lovers

The heart is capable
Of reaching the fiercest enemy
Scaling the highest mountains
Breaching the thickest of walls

Sending invisible messages
Creating bridges of connection and love
Joining everything and everyone
Building hope

And it is stronger than all other forces
And yet more fragile and vulnerable
Than I knew
Until now
9th December 2019
Commuter Poet
Written by
Commuter Poet  UK
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