I swear I'm not racist, I know everyone says this.
Over and over and over again. Especially with some **** Like trump ruling.
In fact, I've really just got ADHD Or was it ADD?
Did you see that butterfly? It's wings were blue and normally they're white.
But did you know that the squirrels around here Actually carry the High medieval ages genetic formula Of the black plague?
Yeah, that disease. It's the one that wiped out basically most of the world.
I think that's part of why We associate black things With bad things.
Like that might be why black cats Are killed so much more often Than whites
Or why no one likes the colour black Unless you're trying to get back At your white suburban parents.
In that case, let's get you some sad poetry Or songs Don't forget to get a piercing Or tattoos Maybe something in the arms? Oh! And you have to always wear black Even when it's socially Inappropriate.
Aren't there still situations in America Where black isn't okay? I'm about 93.4% sure that's true, But hey. I've got a made-up mental disorder named ADHD.
So isn't every thing free game now? If it helps,
I'm half Cherokee
My sister died in the womb
Do those hardships that I have Absolutely nothing to do with make me better at talking about discrimination now?
Should I say I have a cousin that married Someone of a darker skin colour? Is that better?
Or should I just admit That I can't physically Or Emotionally understand Your hardships.
I can only sympathise. I cannot emphasize.
I can only protect. I cannot recollect.
Simply because I am the colour of snow Or even fresh sheets of paper. And you're the colour of The grim reaper.
But trust me, please. I understand it gets harder and harder To just breathe.