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Dec 2019
Moving on this dark road

Not much is visible

Much like when I delve into the deep caverns of my mind

I find myself dazed,



As the β€œunicorn” true north eludes me

Monsters and demons alike. . .

Snarling, baring their vicious teeth

Tormenting me

A moments rest is all I ask

A moment to collect my thoughts

A moment to bounce back and retaliate

A moment before I break

A deus ex machina

The clouds part and something,

something casts a pale blue light

It is Arawa

She guides me

She comforts me

And though this journey is mine and mine alone

Acceptance of the solitude somehow reveals that I’m not truly alone

With this light

I can destroy all who stand against me

With this light

I realize that it too can come from within

And now, now I am invincible
Written by
Siyasanga Gcilishe
     --- and Bogdan Dragos
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