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Dec 2019
He liked the Pixies
and noisy rock as much as I do
but oh he could not
make me feel like you

His name is Alejandro, he is
the Swede from San Fernando
blue eyes and 2 meters tall he is
but oh he couldn't beat
your brown eyes and the glasses
and the shiver when you take them off
and kiss me strong

He was the prediction my parents made
a vegetarian lover that does care
and messages me all day
but my parents never read
my future too well
(They have good intentions
but they see no further)

He was a dream
He talked to me, but something's amiss
Something! - you are not him
He was not my dream
not the dream sweetly crafted
by God for me
not the dream I carry simply being me
are you, dear?
I only have these feelings to prove
and if that's the proof
then I'm ******* sure you are His/Her design
But that's not why I love you
I love you simply because...
you are you.
because of us
Courtney O
Written by
Courtney O  27/F/Madrid
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