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Dec 2019
What do you call these
People who officially rob you of your hard earned money. Income tax is first deducted and there after a salary is given to the ordinary working class.
Thereafter, logically the money is yours to spend and save;
but oh  no.... The poor middle class family pays tax.. GST... for every little thing purchased, be they essentials or a small meal at a restaurant.

They stinge and save small amounts to make a FD, even that is taxed. This means the Government is like a leech. The poor man cannot enjoy anything.

The rich MPs and MLAs loot the public and enjoy very many perks. These parasites actually thrive on us. Besides this they have huge assets, land, jewelry, money , what not to last their future generations.

Nothing concrete happens. Roads are bad, water isn't sufficient nor pure. Petrol prices and essential commodities are always on the rise.

Medical care is pathetic. Education in municipal schools is name sake, children often learn foul language.

Where are we going???
Where is the progress???
This is not the Bharat of my dreams.

Wake up, shake up. RISE N SHINE.

Armin Dutia Motashaw
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