it is the birthday of a dead man the day the world began the end of all that has ever been and all that ever will be and it is during this time of year that i am reminded of a minuscule speck a mountain of joy, an avalanche of the heart of emotions I dare not speak of words too intricate to attempt to explore i swing my heart by a tethered rope with the hope that when it falls flat against the cold tiles of realization it will mend itself with knowledge that all things mend and i have felt as minuscule as a speck and as grand and loved as a mountain and i remember my beloved oak tree extending its branches far beyond my reach beyond the horizon beyond me and with eyes twinkling with wonder i ask my beloved oak tree will you please stay with me? he smiles knowingly there are words he does not speak and when i ask he shelters me he urges me to ask for whatever answers my heart desires and when he speaks i am all wonder as i hear words like i've never heard before and letters said with a command beyond that of a general and that is how we spend our days i am all the oak tree wished for i marvel at everything it has seen i am so happy he is my oak tree and there might be emptiness where it stood but I will always make room for it next to me