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Nov 2019
The seeds belonging to the pomegranate are like that of fervid, scarlet jewels.
Dripping with sinful nectar that warbles a tune of blasphemy.
The heinous partake in communion throughout those cryptic, velvety pools.
Entrenched in that liquid, they amalgamate in sacrificial voracity.

Bodies spiraling into those abyssal fabrics are given weight.
As winds torment their exposed vessels possessed by their charred entrails.
They suffer continuously, punished by shards of rain and fate.
Their innards squishing and staining the ground, rupturing the sacred grail.

The convent is disregarded and attains solace across the unforgiving perdition.
Restrained by the stems of the iniquitous cherry, they ascend the ladder.
Their judgment is wedged betwixt amorality and cruel ripples of shameless frisson.
Declination awaits those whose veins bear the fallacy of the adder.

Eternally facing punishment amidst the breaking wheel's treacherous blight,
Thus their salvation lies beyond even that of the Garden of Earthly Delights.
I was inspired by a multitude of varying objects and media. Again this work is rather full of references, most poignantly the one regarding Hieronymus Bosch. I love the man's artwork, and I've always loved anything relating to Christian or religious storytelling. I took great care with this one. I also challenged myself to not blatantly reference hell and instead use implications. Hope you guys like it as much as I do!
Nallely Martinez
Written by
Nallely Martinez  21/F/My Eldritch Dreams
(21/F/My Eldritch Dreams)   
   ---, stargazer, --- and ---
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