Four cycles I neither nourished nor idled As I pondered the sameness of it all. Heard Solomon’s voice. Shrewd as ever, but varnished with sorrow Like mine. Could it be? That once that filmy overlay, So seemingly inane, Has been pulled back — the vacuum seal breached. No longer sustenance in enterprise? But in repetition one must sate? No! The story of man is not a tragedy! Of shackled ankles and nine to fives. But a dialogue with God! Where the audience jests and heckles. But is moved again And again to silence By a mere visceral soliloquy.
Today, From our cells of subjectivity We shout and dance for progress. But is there a better way To breach the barriers between spirits Than by rediscovery of the known, But ignored, Forgotten, The pathway to our wholes? Are we then just fools Wandering eternally through a mist? Have we once again shed What’s most precious? To reveal what? But our shameful nakedness. For what Solomon knew is lost today When I interact with the world. All is vain but the path. Till full circle our story begins anew.