I believe that there is a veil between life and death. And I believe that veil thins as you take your first and last breath.
As people lay dying, some say they can see God’s face just like some speak about reuniting with loved ones already in that Heavenly place.
Just the same, I believe children also see things from the other side. I believe their purity and innocence gently blurs that great divide.
But as that innocence fades, society grooms us to believe that seeing things is wrong. Feeling a presence around you means you’re crazy or insane instead of gifted or strong.
But what if….Bear with me… What if, for some people, the veil stays thin? What if that childlike gift of sight remains intact and even grows within?
Well, I believe that happens…
So when you see something you can’t explain or feel an icy touch against your skin, just know that you’re not at all alone and I hope you embrace your “gift” with a grin.