Salty sins Slip off my skin Baptized, I begin again Bad twin Mannequin Swivel slip Shenanigans Overflowing Keep it going Forward rowing Breathe and blowing Appetites Only growing Moment, posing Where were going Future folding Forming, molding Hyper-culture overdosing Ultra dramatic Super classic Dandelions Made of plastic Laugh it off Spastic elastic Bounce and blast off Erratic romantic Snakes surround me Blinking, sinking Echos sounding Stinking thinking Cost compounding So astounding Fountain spouting, Auto-routing Into the black Death reflection Sudsy and soaked My bent religion Watch me Drowning In fickle hearts Pounding loudly Im slip, spin, splitting Program imprinting Filling, skimming, stripping, spilling Crypticly petrified Sedated and sterilized Softly by your side Utilized Crystallized in my disguise