She pulled a lego out from under her back relieving the pain it had been causing for a few minutes. She turns her head to see his dark hair and blue eyes. She couldn't imagine that this boy of all boys would fall-
-off the rock She fell. The hesitancy she had felt caused her to slip and fall. He best friends face blankly watched her fall. She couldn't remember anything about-
-the last time she looked at the house it looked sad. The trees begging for her to stay and the windows screaming don't go. She knew she couldn't stop now she was off to her new life the new life that didn't consist of-
-rain fell hard outside when she figured it out. She was on a blog scrolling through and found a URL that she had seen before. Once she clicked on it she her heart dropped. It was about her. It was a hate blog about her. What did she do to deserve-
-turning to me, 'I am enrolled in the army' he said. I didn't mind because of what happened. The chain of events leading up to this day were to terrible for a child of my age to go through. I had told anyone about this I hadn't thought about it since then. But the thought that it would linger longer than it has haunts her-
-thoughts consist of why am I talking to him again. He ruined my life and ruined my friends life. But I couldn't keep away even while with someone else she still turned to him to attention. I couldn't stand the thought of leaving him completely but-
-I have fallen for someone I shouldn't have. I look at him and I feel happy. I look at him and I feel at home. I wish I didn't. I wish I had someone-