i realized the truth within this as i flipped through the journal pages that screamed your name aloud at me as i sat trying to forget, and whispered of our endeavors as i lay trying to sweep everything under the unconscious rug that lay beneath me as i dreamed
you were every where in these parts of my life, riding up abel and turning onto fourth, i couldn't forget that you had grown up, a decade before me, just a block over on south, deli boy and bianchi's pizza, sundays spent at st.cecelia's, me, a little girl, and you, trying to figure out how to be a man, here we are fifteen years later, me, a little girl, and you, still trying to figure out just what it takes to be a man
ink immortalizes what we are terrified to throw into the trenches, and just because i have vowed to find victories elsewhere doesn't mean i've prepared myself to forget you, but the truth remains,