(alternately christened great insight to those who Braille)
Ah.... so glad thee did ask summoning poetic title tis most daunting task if lucky forthcoming praise will yours truly to bask
and bathe with short lived, while I quaff vintage amber liquids out the golden silver made flask.
Utter exhaustion taxes me fifty shades of gray matter while trying to grasp just one measly idea amidst all that scatter
to and fro hither and yon analogous to mire and muck that doth splatter courtesy nasty driver mad as a hatter.
Yours truly scrunches his brow in an effort to provide, enable and allow gamut of meaty notions, when finally satisfied utter holy cow, mama mia, eureka, aha... ******* (hoop fully not premature),
cuz arduous effort analogous to navigating dhow sailing frothy, choppy, angry... seas until sudden (b)rain storm doth endow sudden burst of inspiration compelling necessary ****** to plow
ahead and expound therein how so ever dictates of spontaneity now let me smoothly coast along offering scant obeisance, thou divine fabulous intervention, hence I feebly kowtow
despite covenant, viz devout atheist nonetheless puzzled what activates hitting me figurative pow similar to Batman disabling enemy, temporarily speechless disbelief merely summoning wow.
Much time yours truly doth calibrate what seems bajillion years I agitate sitting days, weeks, months... in an effort to nearly ready to abdicate and disappoint countless followers
thus, this wordsmith doth dedicate a section of this battlefield... before to late (think Gettysburg Address) no matter minuscule chance fate will find mine path crossing unknown online respondent(s),
whose feedback doth inflate inestimable self confidence (ha) generally held in check modesty sedate even when praised in person, I emanate introspective mien downplaying genetic and/or environmental factors
wherever talent did originate cobbling words together arose courtesy this bookworm doth really associate predilection to hash out poem.