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Apr 2013
Blood is thicker than water
I've heard that one before
And no matter how many times it's proven true
I refuse to remember.

Painful memories gather
I've played this game before
The feeling swells in my chest like a tidal wave
And forces me under.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder
I've lived this pain before
My brain goes fuzzy and the scars mesh and blend in
It's a grateful surrender

This new wound feels so tender
I've staked this claim before
Quick work will keep the mess in my heart together
No time to regret, dear.

Through the watery twister
I've not felt this before
My wandering spirit finds its welcoming niche
Unprotected no longer.

Although the light falters
I was alone before
These treacherous oceans can not drown me out now
I have found shelter.
I wrote this to express the pain of losing a friend.
Martha Jordan
Written by
Martha Jordan
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