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Apr 2013
The park was lit dim as the four of us met,
Two pairs sitting in the grass under the moonight
Your interest was her, but my interest was you.
The years go by and friendship evolves through drugs and the same friends.
I become involved with a boy, you become involved with her.
In our minds we desire the touch of one another,
And look away when we make contact with our significant others
It hurts us to see the false happiness we endure with him or her,
Because we know whats right and what we are doing is wrong.
I go down the wrong road while you stay in school and stay with her,
I get sent away for my abuse as you graduate school.
I come back to learn your still with her and im still longing for your tenderness.
You finally break away from the hold she had on you,
And you find your way to my arms.
My love, David <3
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