Puke Every other Saturday When you go the entire week, Sometimes even two, Without eating an actual meal And then you go to a place Where someone is actually paying attention to it And you don’t want them to be worried So you eat More than you want to You puke Not on purpose But it still happens And I’m not worried But others are They pretend they are They try to get me to eat But their effort isn’t there They’re just trying to show that they’re worried, Even though they’re not, Just for reputation But my dad is actually worried And I don’t understand why He doesn’t care about anything And no one else really cares about this So why is he worried I’m fine It’s not that big of a deal I just don’t eat when I’m not hungry I don’t need a chart You don’t need to shove food down my throat Really it’s fine And I do eat Snacks And other small portions To keep me fine I know how to stay fine You don’t have to worry Every time I puke