precarious niche easily activated evolutionary quirk imperceptibly bumped uglies begot robust progeny offspring expanding comfort zones penumbra expanding edge of night
dark shadows receding further outer limits of twilight zone phantasmagoric shifting shapes (hint... think Plato's One Republic) phantasmagoric shifting shapes alluring, beckoning, daring...
establishing, foraging, growing... harvesting, invoking, jabbering kowtowing, livingsocial, matchmaking (ha)... now lemme zip forward bajillion years circa 1970's
British comedy troupe nudge nudge wink wink, know what I mean courtesy Monty Python's Flying Circus rollicking humorous sketches oft times tackling primal urges
whereby Geico Caveman will remain till... dis ember by George thoroughly appetizer, viz good chilled wren plus pheasant under glass burns away hunger pangs.