and the Beat of Its Winds became mine a pulse I have never forgotten had unraveled the meaning of Time
with Patience I walked like a Dreamer who was waiting for Wonders to come my lack of respect for The Silence disappeared as I welcomed The Sun
the knots in my body were gathered they were bound by the thoughts in my head I woke up as sleepy as ever
I would take up The Cross in my bed
“Больной отвечал Ему: так, Господи; но не имею человека, который опустил бы меня в купальню, когда возмутится вода; когда же я прихожу, другой уже сходит прежде меня. Иисус говорит ему: встань, возьми постель твою и ходи.” От Иоанна 5:7-8