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Mar 2013
Slow down
Take a minute
You’re running us ragged
As you jump and leap forward
And we can’t seem to escape your recklessness
You’re dragging us behind you on the strings that we can’t cut
Do you ever stop and see what you’re leaving behind in your hurry?
The scenes of life that go by too fast are like the scenery
Outside of the train as we watch everything go by
At some point, we have all tried to hold on
We have all had those little moments
That we wanted to keep
We reached out
Because, regardless
You pulled us forward
We all carry our memories on our hands
By the scars they gave us as we left them in the dust
The sharp corners of their images digging into our palms
And leaving drops of heartbreak red blood in our lonely wake
You will **** yourself going on at this breakneck speed
Our myths would have you as an old man
And if you have always been here
That would well make sense
Are not you so exhausted?
Jaded by all you’ve seen?
I would weep
If I were you
I would escape
I would have wings
I could go to any time I wanted
I could run away from all the responsibility
That your running onslaught is dragging us toward
Is that all you are trying to do, run away from your demons?
I would be able to forgive you, if I knew you weren’t doing it to hurt us
Promise me that that is all it is, that time itself is running away from memories
I will know then that we have not been forsaken by god
For you see, you are our god with complete control
Our lives are in your hands and you seem
To not care much about them at all
It’s okay with all of us
You are only
Written by
Olivia Amelia
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