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Mar 2013
I see you little, in the dark we walk
I feel your pulse, the sudden palpitation
your soul is closed to me, your mouth a lock
yet in your breath I hear anticipation

who else wanders amidst these lonely walls
I hear a voice, a cry from star to star
these questions will be my quick’ning downfall
I’ve worshiped you for so long from afar

will you wait for me, stand at the tall gate?
wistfully, watch the stars as they appear?
stay still, my love, I will not be too late
come midnight, I’ll be with you, never fear

I’ll meet you there, and we in rapture stay
lest you, unknown to me, go and betray
Almost a sonnet- not quite, the anticipation and palpitation lines are both off, but I really liked how they sounded.  Let me know what you think!
Written by
Olivia Amelia
   jdmaraccini, MKJ and hello
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