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Nov 2019
Did I **** my kids
i dont really know
the cops think so
and they follow me
and i die a little every day
i could **** myself
leave a note
saying i didn't **** them
but it wont be heard
paranoid skitzo
thats me
ill say it
let me be
i killed my kids
come and arrest me
i killed them
let it end
my life is so ****** up
id rather be in prison
then living a life where you follow me,  hack my facebook and change my friends..    steal my journals and year books..  make me think im in love when she's getting paid...  **** i hate this life..  arrest me or let me die
i killed my kids.. i killed my kids..  i totally killed my kids...   is that enough for an arrest?
Written by
AlienneilA  Florida State
(Florida State)   
   Bogdan Dragos
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