I am the bride of God but in this play; Some 6 months standing from today My boyfriend will be standing yet again Administering soft words to the pain Abounding through my mind, and in my hands, Attempting to convey the mastery of foreign lands And foreign times to a class of disenchanted youths, Imagining a number of nightmarish truths That may destroy my fantasy of July And prove to my peers for once and for all that I Am a failure... Hein? Non non. My Fall’s bruise Is still felt, and Guilt, uneasy, guards my Muse Yet I am Isabel, I am yet Rosine And wonders are still yet to be felt and seen Yes I will prove I can yet master quite the scene And fantasise le meilleur Barbier that’s ever been… And in the meantime, enjoy Thursday at the hour of one Pronouncing French words that we’ve never done Throw my darling down upon the floor, Cry out on love though my throat is sore, Stand the exam officer’s son upon a classroom chair, Jerusalem’s tune rings loud within the air When the main man fit it to Beaumarchais, And my heart still rests with His tender couplet… He only wagered all on my appearance from my jalousie And I delivered, so let’s wait and see.
A student director's juxtaposition of pessimism and optimism on what may be quite the undertaking of her life, but worth it. Commiserating with the Comte de Almaviva.