When I go in your mouth I take a bite too To fulfill all righteousness I eat souls But you crave sins You are the ****** fool Lust-centered harlot I am the guillotine Old faithful V. the faithless (Part 2) The guilty party And the guilt-free You are wasteful I am the master Degenerates Venerate me Or lose your minds Along with your souls All filth Is yours The ugly You make I am beauty So I wear no veil You hide yourself 'Cause you come from hell (Part 3) There's no hiding In the long run Face me now Tomorrow, there's no running It's too late You made your choice Holes, you ignored my voice To go chase noise Soror, there are consequences To being a toy Eternally sore Your pain will be my joy As you made mine yours But my reasons are pure Like me And unlike you But you will be too Or you'll swim in a toilet Of patsies like you (Part 4) Down the hatch You down-voted life You should've loved truth Instead of wielding that knife Therefore, strife And an end to your lolling You've no excuses You're no little dolly (Post) But another adorer User and cheat Painting testers like me As if we're trash li'e you (Ppost) I give You runs An eyeful O sirens Do Re Me