the lessons taught by Wisdom still revolve around the tongue the smallest of your members but the very loudest one consider it the ruler of the world in which you live for by it you can slander or remember to forgive the wickedness around you has a way of seeping in if ever you invite it as a guest come through your skin it tends to move by way of pain that blinds you from the start possessing every Truth you once had living in your heart a weakened state of memory will follow close behind until you lose your senses and derail on Tracks of Time the smallest of your members has a way of pulling weight so let your words be light instead of heavy like the hate
“И язык — огонь, прикраса неправды; язык в таком положении находится между членами нашими, что оскверняет все тело и воспаляет круг жизни, будучи сам воспаляем от геенны.” Послание Иакова 3:6