Today is a present Yesterday is past But tomorrow is a gift I wish I still had yesterday Now, I wallow in regrets
I wish made more mistakes Learnt new lessons Took more risks Dated more girls I wished interacted more
As I ponder over yesterday I wished I read more books Rich Dad Poor Dad The Richest Man In Babylon 48 Laws Of Power The the Holy Books More
My greatest regrets Lays in the dreams unfulfilled Trips not taken Skills unlearnt Studying a course I don't need Allowing people control my life
If you could write a letter To your younger self What would yours be? Is it filled with "Had I known?" Or sweet loving memories Did you just smile...?
When I was a kid I dreamt on becoming The trees stood as witnesses The pigeon gave dotted white nails A seal of assurance of tomorrow A tomorrow, now yesterday
I wish I trusted my instincts Learnt how to cook Travelled around the world Sang more country songs Even if it isn't as common anylonger I wished I kept my virginity
This is a letter to my younger self Now, I am left with memories Can I take back yesterday? I wished I listened to my parents I wished I got married earlier I wished I never was a hermit
As I walk through memories My course is set My boat sailed yesterday Armed with hope and faith I believe, therefore I will Afterall, tomorrow is a gift