"SOCIAL MEDIA" S=Society and it's practices can be known easily! O=Opportunity for developing oneself in every possible way! C=Connectivity to the whole world! I=Information center! A=Altogether a great platform! L=Lack of security and trust also exists! M=Man-made platform for meeting one's personal and professional needs! E=Ease and Availability of all things for all and almost anytime! D=Dignified and Determined Networks! I=Ignited use and also misuse of personal information shared on it! A=Accessible from anywhere and by anybody and to anybody!
Thus, Social Media is a boon as well as curse! If it's useful, It's harmful too! If you can connect, you may loose too! If easy access is there, misuse is also there! An efficient and effective thing which leads to wonders but non-effective and distrustful and disgusting too! It's upto you of how you use and how you predict it! All lies in the same basket, good and bad! Now it's upto you how you use it! So in short it's "SOCIAL MEDIA= BOON AS WELL AS CURSE"! All depends on how you use it!