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Oct 2019
Too soon comes Autumn, nipping the heels
of unwary Summer while it stealthily seals
subtle changes in verdant leaf-laden trees.

Ripened fruits begin dropping unhinged by
rattle of branches in which Autumn hides.

Before battle commences its volatile breeze
scatters copper-thin shivers through obese
Summer with its cunningly capricious ease.

Autumn comes running nor stands aside
while plants adjust to its dynamic stride.

It tosses relentless as with bounty it plays
and douses growth's hold by raining days
of voracious havoc onto Summer's ill-fate.

Scurrying birds sense the warning of chill
as Autumn's sigh pecks at my window-sill.

All life battens down to change of season
for as Summer recedes, fight must yield.

Flower buds crumble and last roses fade
knowing Autumn comes running, to stay.
Fay Slimm
Written by
Fay Slimm  Cornwall U.K.
(Cornwall U.K.)   
     RAJ NANDY and Bogdan Dragos
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