Today the end begins Today i end it, I end the ongoing death by death itself I look at the birds and i want to be free like them and since i cant borrow their wings i borrow wings from death Well no one ever said life is compulsory Neither is it necessary for the spirit to remain in the body I am drowning everyday and not in water but in my own blood cause for a long time now i have been a living corpse I feel empty, deserted and rejected and today this suicidal feeling will be perfected And to describe my emptiness is a bit difficult, I am tired of my heart being in constant conflict with my feel like time is no longermind I am tired of my body bot being able to fulfill what my spirit wants I crave love in all its wholeness Even if it were as little as my life right now I wish someone could breakthrough but ever rigid heart and make it right Well love only comes to those who believe it And right now i don't know which to believe in To believe in faith or in love, because i have believed for 17 years now and it does not seem to get better, rather my faith is dying and love along with it I am tired of always having my eyelashes and my tears romance Im tired of my heart pleading to my eyes to hold those tears for just a moment longer And my annoying belief that it will all be better And so i look around i notice something I no longer care about anything or anyone. Well that's too far, i don't think i care about myself anymore. So why don't i end it? Why don't i begin the end?