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Oct 2019
Lost dog of no one
Feeding on dead worms
Its tattered skin scares stars
Its head is covered with scars.

Lost dog lost from birth
Its mother was also of no nest.
Lost dog with pale eyes
Walking like a lost mind.
Too ***** to be owned
But never hopeless for a home.

This lost dog can feed on grasses
Its body is a bed for lashes
Of what good is sharp teeth without a thing to cut?
With all its sniffing, only its waste is left to gulp.

Its unfed stomach has a womb in it.
It will be fertilized by another like it.
Another lost dog will be born
And the chain will go on.
Victor Ernest Osong
Written by
Victor Ernest Osong  28/M/Nigeria
     Bogdan Dragos and ranveer joshua
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