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Oct 2019
If I could grow a pair of feathered wings
I’d flap ‘em clear to mid next spring
Across icy skies and frosted clouds
I’d flutter past the city crowds
To the mountain peaks and fields of green
Where the air is crisp and the waters clean
I’d float down on Shoshone land
And let those wings erode to sand

If I could wave my arms and fly away
I’d wave and wave till summer days
I’d soar beyond asphalt and steel
To prairie grass and rains that heal
I’d fly towards those wild creatures
Where a starry sky is the only preacher
Id float down on that western vale
And vanish with no trace or trail

If I was blessed with the gift of flight
I’d glide away in the dark of night
In tears I’d leave with no goodbyes
As I beat my wings through smoggy sky’s
And left all I knew and loved behind
I’d cry and cry till I was blind
‘Till I floated towards that Earthly eden
To freeze and burn with passing seasons

These wings they’d fly but one direction
Far from streets paved with dejection
Towards a pink horizon beyond the gray
Where the sun still shines on smoky days There I’d find those golden grasses
And even in beauty in the ashes
I’d fly on down to amber flames
To melt away these heavy chains

But I can’t float or fly or glide
These wings are clipped these hands are tied
So I walk and walk with blistered feet
On crowded, asphalt, dejected streets
Where the air is foul and the water black
Where the flowers sprout through pavement cracks
So when I dream I’m floatin’ by
Soaring towards those crystal sky’s
Written by
     Aazzy, Bogdan Dragos and Lou Romano
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