Wait your turn to piping tune
Suncreen, scrunchie, ***** pack
Un-birthday song by Hatter, mad
Wrought iron, mushrooms, storybook
Take the fastest spinning cup
Play-dough, crayons, apple sauce
Bring your playmate. Tag, you're it
Purple, maelstrom, pizza dough
Spin the sun and time away
Mushrooms, sunscreen, apple sauce
Ninety seconds: laughter, puke
Manners, madness, misery
Night falls under sleeping tree
Paper lantern, lightning bug
Hand-in-hand, stumble home
Twilight, popcorn, cinnamon
You've been drunk in drunken tea
Swing the gate,
Hurry on
This is a poem intended for a collection of poems inspired by Disneyland rides and attractions. This particular poem is inspired by the famous Teacups ride. I'm eager to hear constructive feedback, so please take a moment to react in detail. Thanks.