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Mar 2013
Dream a lucid dream.

Where my attention isn't enough for your ego,
So you have an affair with mine.

Let it feed you with deception.
Because it seems that ignorance is the only thing that'll make you smile.

And when my infatuation becomes a threat to you,
Instead of initiating the game of russian roulette,
you just pick up the gun and shoot.

Taking me out of my misery, since you refuse to keep it company.
Pulling the evolvement from its roots.

When you begin to wonder what sparked your curiosity,
Take a look at the bruises I model
From every time that I've fought to leave.

Recollect the moments of peace and security,
And the incision of a bleeding heart left on your sleeve.

Come to your senses and sense that
I can love you to perfection,
Before you can even recognize what perfection is.

I could fulfill your wildest dream before you even realize where the inception is.

And if you decide to follow the light,
Make sure to remember how it feels.

Cause if the pain never sets in,
Then you'll know it wasn't real.
Sajdah Baraka
Written by
Sajdah Baraka
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