It hasn’t been as cold lately The train of shopping carts rattles Vibrate my forearms Especially as I cross the yellow speed bumps on the ground
The city put those there to trip up skateboarders And to confuse babies in strollers
Old women on walkers avoid them
There are things designed to make us slower More careful
I think about my last poetry reading while filling the coolers And don’t ask myself why when alone I take myself to the places that make me most happy
My cashier asks me when he can go home
You do everything slower when You keep yourself company When you’re lonely You’re not savoring moments You just taking your time Because you can I set the alarms and lock the doors The moon has been out for a while I will go home and write
Everyone is asleep except for me I crack open a few beers Open the window so the moon can keep me company
Forever I thought there was something wrong with me But I have learned Like the moon Some things will only shine in the nighttime Not everything looks like gold under the sunlight