This client (Matthew Scott) availed himself at behest of following counselor who bares his chest to Stephanie Dodds (maid 'n USA name)
taught technique to minimize ruffling feathers lest the missus aggrieved spending her nest egg, thus self and missus
live destitute oppressed as two basket of deplorables stressed nearly every day envisioning castles in air pipe dreams when getting undressed
preparatory to dreams within illusory shut eye yours truly dons fancy vest believe me you sold by Kanye West.
DEAR MAN skills (feeble attempt more daunting versus scaling Mount Everest) embraced with zest supported and blessedly underwritten by loan granted from Univest
Bank ohm my dog to mitigate electric resistance while no resistance against kool psychological aid acid test, whereby this husband espoused, to help him recharge, (re:volt if necessary)..., which endeavor now poetically expressed
concerning contentious gripe(s), she would concur challenges we contest beat within mine (possibly her) breast unavoidable series of parallel events disallows me to experience respite as ye correctly guessed
impossible mission until death do me part heavenly blessed, meanwhile to maximize insight woke involving DEAR MAN skills with following example I attest triggered food for thought
countless years gone by, no jest which behavior even eldest daughter did detest specifically oft time ebt - Electronic benefit transfer i.e. food stamp money addressed
when wife spent lion's share in one fell swoop, I did level best to communicate while pride hide hid ingest, wife acquiesced yet without fail repeated offense whereby mister diplomacy here
explained (with diminishing patience) allocated funds sole comestible expense then included four family members issue got heated more emphatically groused at my sidelined request invariably spiking discourse
else... I threatened to divest and stow card in wallet (mine), yet invariably relinquished said item, perhaps first will and testament bequest if imposed, enforced, adhered... would have nipped in bud
finding yours truly less obsessed, nee furious every month the vicious drama cycled smoldering resentment did crest into shouting tense match, thus body electric lamely fleshed.