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Oct 2019
i can never amount to anything
i cant look in the mirror
and see who i want to see
there are imperfections
so many imperfections
there is awkwardness
there is fear

when will i see myself
as the girl who likes to laugh
the girl who made jokes
even when they weren't funny
the girl who took no offence
to her own judgement
the girl who was oblivious
to controversial topics
the girl who took every ones opinions
and shoved them in the garbage

shes too weak now
there are small cracks in her skin
making it easy for intruders
to see inside of her
to get inside her brain

i cant sleep to all the racket
being assaulted has really left me with too many thought and memories of being mistreated and not realizing it.
Written by
Owlycat  26/BC
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