they came slurred and darkened angry and with a tinge of indigence let me see those clothes i pointed to the pile on the quilt that the ex made dig through it i murmured and i sank deep within myself though 20's era deviants kept me above the "sunk" place
on her side completely silent on mine raucous but i can identify with donning the drab of a different era he said as he wrote and looked at his phone
there is nothing about us static nothing that keeps us from killing ourselves only to be revived in a brand new era or moment of slight significance
i perform this act in times legion dressing to impress or to convey honest slovenliness or power or amorousness
this task these efforts can never be realized attempting transubstantiation fails and its motive with it
with jeans and a white tee i am this one lonely lost lingering limitless
by all means take all my clothes ties and suspenders too i have what im wearing