I am going to have a dinner party (my heart is set, do not try and discourage me) The psychiatrist asks, "How long has this been going on?" fuckingtwitfuckingassfucking doctornowaren'tWEtwee? my inner dialogue kicks in without the slightest prompting I am going to have a ******* dinner party and not even you can stop me (you see I lived in a hollowed out shell was stuffed inside onetwothree sometime in 1962 or was it '63? I think I think at least I think it was me until they dragged me out by my leg and plopped me down on this bug eaten couch O THE INDIGNITY) I'm going to have a dinner party then they'll see this little dump here? naturally it's only temporary that's what they keep telling me but they won't, they won't stop pulling at me, rubber fitting for my mouth "Bite down!" how bout how bout say please? and the rest of them they sit in a row and tell me it's for the electricity (who's the crazy one now?) I'm going to have a dinner party and none of you can stop me