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Sep 2019
My life, defined by lines
Class and boundary lines, Motherhood and tightrope lines
Between being a good woman and a Mistress
What a way to live!

Sometimes i want to toe the line
Other times I wish to  cross the line
Or maybe stay safe behind the lines
Those lines that guides virtues
Don't judge me, unless you have walked my walk

Sometimes I pole vaulted
When i allow them get closer
Even though they are married
Yes, I know the drill
I wanted to feel like a  woman

Don't see me as a loose canyon
Available and randy
You don't know my pain
If you know my pain
Maybe you'll understand my acts...

Like a prey laying low
They seem to easily perceive my needs
They come with those true lies
Enticing with Cars, Houses and cash
I just play ball...  

They offer ***
Because they know the pressures on my libido
...take advantage of my lonely and ***** moments

My lips they ride
Until it is as wide as the sea
Then, off they go!
To another lonely Single Mother
Will these men make heaven?

The cycle never breaks
Each time I cross that line
The joy is but for a moment
I head into a phase of depression
What a way of life

Afterwards, I become a ***** *** slave
A corporate *******
As I soon realise
And in the deadness of the night
Trust me, I tear...

It's about time this stops
I refuse to be a ****** alternative
I detest being a loose ball
Say NO to *** with a Married Man
Say no *** with benefits

Boldly I call off your bluff
Today, I ask you,  loose my number
Loose my house address
The One who gave me the child
Will always be on time. Amen!

You left me for another
"Oh! I should have married you!"
"Story for the gods"
I ain't letting you down there again
You have chosen your path

Live with your decisions
"Your can't eat your cake and have it"
It's not gonna be easy
Because I've got mouths to feed
But I'll pass

Those lonely nights will come
When I'll need a wrap
Just like a married but single lady
Husband based abroad
"Cars" parked at owner's risk?
Those need has to be met, but I'll survive

Even when I need to pay school fees
The solution is not on genitals
Especially of the married
Truth be told
The solution lies with the Ultimate One

Trust and believe Him
He will change your story
Turn your secret tears to cheers
Convert your shame to fame
Because He turns non-entities to celebrities

Whoever taught Rehab, a harlot, liar
Would ever make the list
She enjoyed grace
That grace is still available today
Only if you will...

Give Him a chance
Let Him make you a showpiece
He brought you this far for a purpose
He gave you that child for a reason
Tell me, whose report will you belief?

Please stop these men
They will ruin your life
Wake up and brace up
Look out for a weak single mother
Preach the good news of hope

Look out for single mothers
Share a date, a word
Bond, love, pray and believe
To hell with all these "Zaddys" with benefits"
Yours will soon find you!

Curved ***** will be thrown
Take advantage of life's curve *****
Allow them to transform you
To a very pretty and attractive LIONESS
Whose **** and lips aren't for sale

Enough of irresponsible ****** adventures
Yes! They will come looking for your juice as a  Single Mother
Be a Lioness,  
Fierce, firm and courteous

Are you married? Congratulations
Don't make him regret getting married to you
If you treat him wrong
There are many open arms out there
They will accept and love him scatter

To all those "Wobe Children"
Sleeping with their ancestors
Breaking marriages and homes
Karma is a *****, your time will come
May you be paid in the same coin
Please say "Amen!

Be his *****
Let him be your tool
Exude flirtatious energy for him
Rock those seductive *** shots
Date him all the days of your life.

You were a Queen ab initio
Now, you tie wrapper like my grandmother
Be wise as a serpent
Be like the sons of Isachaar
Times and seasons have changed

Now, get off your high horse
Show that man why he married you
Before they show him all
Why he shouldn't be with you
Like Stella, get your groove back on

Single motherhood is not a curse
Nobody has a right to you
Do not debase yourself
Give yourself some respect
Let's all prove to the world
Single mothers raise Presidents like Obama too

A good man gives without asking
He will never ask you for ***
Even when you offer, he declines
Not all men are promiscuous
Now, this rule applies to both sexes
There are still good people out there

Who wants to hire inexperience
We all love "experience hire"
So, single mothers have experience
Single mothers make good wives
After all, experience is key

To all single Mommas out there!
This is specially for you
You are better than they think
To a life of "Yes I do"
And "Happily ever after"
Please raise your glass!

Babatunde Raimi
Author/Life Coach/Poet
Written by
Babatunde Raimi
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