Wait, Hold on Just let me see. You want me, to talk about me? Well, that’s a first, Certainly not the worst Suggestion I’ve been asked Usually among angry slurs of ******* or ******* Jack *** I guess those are the feelings I tend to instill On people when I impose my will Now I know it’s a little dark And yet thinking **** this is just the ******* start? But wait There’s a light at the end of This tunnel you’re traveling But move fast because the walls of my mind Are unraveling And I know it’s startling But to me this is ordinary. Everything falling apart and being built back up A new person every time I wake up Now listen hear me and sit down and shut up I’ve been quiet for too **** long. At least four years spent bending to the will Of people far less strong But then it all changed. I opened my mouth and let out my mind It took only once and I had all their minds enraptured So incredibly captured By the skinny kid seizing the podium Using his words to Obliterate the opinions they held of him.
Now let me pause here Before we go any deeper Let me make it clear There is a hunter Camouflaged inside the words painting the woods Hiding yet hinting at something you'd never believe could Have happened to him So watch your jokes And watch your phrases Because my life went through Those phases. Yet my laughter at the scabs at which you pick The injuries that still make me sick Is still genuine Despite what everyone thinks So please just stop your incessant “That’s not funny” Followed by your gaze upon me Because I see it in your eyes The look I’ve so grown to recognize That look of pure ******* pity And that my friends is worse And my parents do it the worst. See they feel responsible For not predicting the improbable But No one could Including me Seeing my thieving neighbor outside my backdoor Not knowing what he was there for I let him in to steal what I didn’t know I had. My innocence But in a sense It doesn’t matter.
Because I try not to dive too deep into the past Because I’m here and finally happy at last So here let’s bring it full circle I believe you asked About me.