I found them today Written in a notebook surrounded by math Two letters Four pages 5 post scripts 9 reasons, each starting with “*******” I never sent them as I promised But today I read them And I cried I cried for my stupidity For the time lost And for the pain I morphed into rage before Out of that rage I got nothing but more pain Out of that pain I got these letters Seeping with insults Seeping with “how could you”s Seeping with anger Asking him if “your sadistic goals were filled” And asking her “how could you play with my emotions?” Something that never happened, But was whispered in my ear Two letters I promised to send them I told you both to “check your mailbox In about a week There should be a letter” But I never sent it And I’m glad I didn’t
His letter really was that long... all of it true... none of it worth it