One day I will find the words One day But not today.
Today the words scamper from outstretched hands I, clawing for one syllable, one sound as they melt into the camouflage of boredom Unreachable.
One day I will find the words pluck them from the branches of my mind gather them into the basket of a pen and take them home, lay them out to dry on a blank page.
I will paste them down, thought by thought verse by verse, dactyl, measure, line, Till they've made a sentence a phrase, a page.
One day, I will find the words they will be simple, beautiful, soft as I take their dry hulls, and line them up in ranks on the field of an unwritten page.
One day I will find the words, but it is not today.
This is one of two poems to be published in my school's literary magazine.