Behold the Whale Shark, the largest fish! Though it’s fleshy, it’s not right for our dish Having the name of a whale, it sounds great in size Having the name of a shark, it looks fearful in the eyes But though it’s large, there’s no threat to come near And though it’s scary, there’s no need to fear
This giant is gentle like the biggest of dinosaurs Like the Apatosauruses that were not carnivores This harmless “Butanding” eats not by tearing It’s wide mouth feeds strangely by filtering So it’s really ridiculous to strike this gentle guy Self defense can be a big, big lie…a funny alibi
The world is the home of this gentle giant In all continents there it is like the elephant Hey look it’s also on our 100 peso bill The only place where no one can **** But here in the Philippines, the government will punish you If you catch, **** & sell this treasure we value!
01/27/2015 (Dumarao) *Defense of the Animals Collection