The coordinates seemed invincible. They would forever remain constant and steadfast. Everything worked in its favor to keep me cocooned for life, the raft on a calm sea of peace. Tragedy was for everyone else, I could count on that. Always grateful it didn’t affect me. Surely I was the chosen one, sympathetic but without empathy. I would always survive.
In a flash of an energetic eye, I was split apart. My soul crushed, my heart no where to be seen. The explosion fueled my impotent rage at the gods whose impudence was in colorful display. Trying to knit the pieces of me back together became an inscrutable puzzle impossible to solve.
Was this a lesson in humility or a neutral reaction without judgment that fractured my being? It matters. Matter matters. What once was will never again exist in the same form or appearance. The pieces will fuse, melt by heat, and rearrange themselves. I look forward to that new person.