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Sep 2019
Today I am alone, but am not lonely.
The spring warmth and teasing breeze
Are all I need for company.

My silhouetted head and shoulders
Shield my eyes from the blinding sun.
I remember winter, wet and wind and do not miss it's chill being undone.

The chewy soft doughnuts, bought and Baked just minutes ago
Smell heavenly like sticky vanilla
And the buzzy bees will tell you so.

Birds I cannot see, chirrup and choo.
They see the promise of Spring
And I can feel it too.

The bluest blue of the sky above
Is clear as dewy morning drops.
A Monarch flits by idly
Its wings like a velvet glove.

A chocolate Labrador waits at the gaps in the fence.
He really wants to play.
But here I must sit patiently, and let the poetry have it's say.
Time for something different.
Hannah J Strauss
Written by
Hannah J Strauss  21/F/Hamilton, New Zealand
(21/F/Hamilton, New Zealand)   
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