I know that things didn't turn out perfect. And I know that falling for me wasn't quite in your plans, not like you counted on all these wounds representing your lovin but I don't want you to miss out on something worth holding between the moments of should I go back or look ahead.
Because if I didn't love you, you would know.
I haven't gone to my apartment yet. I've been sitting in my car listening to all the decisions bounce off the guardrails I've constructed on the edges of my brain where it haphazardly connects to my heart.
You held me the other night. Lips pressed to my neck, pulling the sheets overtop us like a shadow that only you could create with trying to hide the parts of me I didn't like.
I don't want to steal a chance from you, because love shouldn't be selfish and I know that giving up any ties you had to my side would let you be free enough to let me go.
"You can be mad in the morning," you used to tell me "but don't leave me now. "
Because if I didn't love you, you would know.
I've been pressing on the lines the leather makes in my driver's seat trying to count the stitches until the numbers add up crooked like your spine feels after some backwards bending over my mistakes. I know I'll never know forgiveness.