inspection/ emission finally possible but...hopes dashed to smithereens
August thirty first two thousand nineteen shortly past, no matter 2009 Hyundai Sonata at long last scheduled with ample funds checking account blitzed
now back home (Highland Manor apartments) absolute zero money left cents lessly gassed exhale incomplete sigh of relief cuz necessity to dodge fast escaping deafening police ear splitting siren blast.
Congenial customer service representatives at CJ's tire, and automotive dutifully require loose fender securely attached, but hood latch replacement more dire, thus postponing mechanic to affix inspection sticker,
no matter old one did expire once again driving on borrowed time, cuz both driver and passenger front tire plus rear right TPMS metal sensor re: passenger rear tire malfunction functionality hoop fully explains this wire.
Your truly uber verging wreck, no complaints regarding trained tech very competent mechanic even for peripatetic pluperfect prospect reference I recommend unsolicited advertisement plus aye inject
relieving anticipatory anxiety oh yes, said vehicle in good hands absolutely correct, no matter sucker punch to checking account doth severely affect mine psychological aspect.
More legal (zooming) tender zaps lion's share of this thrifty spender wannabe, which cruel tread full fate unquestionably, ostensibly invariably... every year without fail doth render
finding me in poor house desperate to pray divine rolling rocker alms lender whether he.she major criminal offender, nor no preference regarding gender.
Fat/slim chance wishful fantasy will become true escapist mindset bolsters this hen pecked forlorn rue stir standing glum within long fostered, and winding queue, this dirt poor dude intuitively knew
bubblegum, toothpicks and glue holding psyche intact turned hue man into sad sack... boo hoo minus auto body work undertaken by trained heavy metal punk ken cutting crew.