Some sleep and never wake up Some rob others of their lives Yet some choose to take their own lives.
Most times we awake at dawn and take it for granted Not knowing that our lives the enemy all night hunted
But on a glance We sure live by Chance Not on our own freewill But by God's grace and goodwill
You take everyone for a ride Swimming in your pomposity and pride
Yet u fall like a fly Leaving your family to cry
O man! Behold and know that you are nothing But dust and breath else you'll rotten
So quit your silly attitude And give God the gratitude
For there is no life in the grave Except the one you have now which Christ gave
When you fall you will die And as log of wood you shall lie
Such indeed is life So let's live at peace rather than strife
At death all men are equal Rich or Poor, tall or short, brainy or dummy and what have you down below we may go. So why the squabble? When it can knock you down anytime.
Live simple, live goodly and most importantly live well in the sight of God and Man.