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Mar 2013
Let me be like the waterfall
In your dreamland forest. . .

I’ll never stop running down
Don’t ever stop flowing for them

But my cool water will only
Be for you my lioness
I will poison the others
When they try and think
That they know how a moving
Body as mine could
Just keep moving on over
A smooth body like yours
But not this time

You collapsed the bottom
Of the pit where I hold
All of the darkest **** in my life
And you knew it, but not really
Your diamond eyes
Saw right through me

I saw a little kitten appear
Out of the thick crowd
Of chickens and near-death
Running bulls and run up to me
And say “You remind me of someone”

But he is dead already
Rest in peace

Until we can finally meet
Again on the blurry banks
Of the crystal blue springs

In your eyes
Andrew McElroy
Written by
Andrew McElroy  30/M/Florida
   Anon C, August, --- and ---
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