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Mar 2013
Before I took a seat I closed the door. Trying desperately to make a good first impression, refusing the offer of a hot drink
there's always later assuming this goes according to plan. My name called, greeted by a luke warm smile "Daniel"
Rhetorical questions always get me, do I answer or avoid? I never know anyway. Extending my hand reluctantly "Yes and you must be"
my enemy for the next ten minutes. "An informal interview followed by any questions you may have says he reassuringly" Leading me back through
the shop. This his shining kingdom and he the smiling tyrant. Forty hours a week with over time allowed you could be very happy here
working and smiling or something.
The interview is a slow roast, the mid day sun slipping through half cracked a window, I engage in eye contact a neccesary evil apparently.
Ive been up for days reading every interview technique known to man.
I could tell you all about body language or just how much I need too sleep.
Its always the subtle distractions that steal a tired mind.
Nice tie blue tie green tie I cant tell,
I remain fixated untill
"Any questions" of course I reply.
"When can I start and when will I hear back from you"
all the while secretly asking myself when will the already
sidelined enthusiasm I have for you diminish entirely
daniel f
Written by
daniel f
   --- and Md HUDA
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